Welcome to DevCord documentation
DevCord - Your Development Assistant in Discord & Slack
DevCord is a Discord & Slack bot designed to help developers by integrating development tools directly into your Discord & Slack conversations. No more constant application switching - everything is accessible via simple slash commands.
Main Features
Developer Tools
Base64 encoding/decoding, JSON manipulation, URL tools, and more
Discord Integration
Add DevCord to your Discord server in just a few clicks
Slack Integration
Add DevCord to your Slack workspace in just a few clicks
Available Commands
DevCord offers a variety of useful commands for developers. You’ll find dedicated pages for each command with complete documentation.
JSON Manipulation
Format, validate, and clean your JSON strings
Easily encode and decode strings in Base64
URL Tools
Encode, decode, parse, and validate URLs
Generate and manipulate UUIDs easily
Hexadecimal conversions and color tools
RGB Colors
Convert RGB values to various color formats
Calculate cryptographic hashes for text
Compare texts and visualize differences
Work with regular expressions for pattern matching
Format and beautify code in various languages
Decode and verify JSON Web Tokens
Use OpenAI’s API to generate text, images, and more
QR Code
Generate and decode QR codes
Convert between different time formats and timezones
Parse and generate cron expressions
Getting Started
To start using DevCord, add it to your Discord server by clicking on this link. To add DevCord to your Slack workspace, click on this link.
Once the bot is added, you can start using slash commands directly in your channels. Use /help
to see the complete list of available commands.
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